Monday, June 05, 2006

A bad day at the flying field is better than a good day at work...

Well, I cant really say that I had a bad day at the flying field today, but Breck did. Breck has been flying a V-Mar Big Stick for the past few months that i've known him, its one of those planes that is certainly not perfect in construction, not perfect in owner influenced rigging, and not perfect in looks. But the bottom line is: it flew pretty damn well. With Breck manning the sticks on the radio, and being a typical grossly overpowered Breck aircraft, he regularly did every maneuver known to man to try and rip the wing off it, but it always came back for more. When the rudder wasn't falling off, the elevator wasn't fluttering, and the monokote wasn't flapping in the wind, it was a respectably nimble little plane.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. And end it did. After talking himself out of going home to ride his mountain bike, and staying with the rest of us to fly, the very next flight went to hell in a hand basket all to quickly. The little "Big Stick" that could, met its match with a very large German grown hardwood tree after the Elevator servo decided to quit working. A quick trek in the retrieval truck through the woods revealed the expected. The damage, in my opinion, wasn't as bad as the sound it made when it went in, I was sure there would be a nice pile of toothpicks left. Unfortunately the stick was forced into retirement, permanently.

The good thing from all of this is now Breck has a very nice O.S. .91 FX engine and all of the radio equipment to build a new plane....hmmm.... decisions, decisions


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